
Edward de Gale shows How to Dress for Success

If you don't know who Edward de Gale is let me explain.

He's a charity worker in Toronto.

He's the guy who got things going back in the late 1990s and early 2000s and brought about energy subsidies for low income families and people and helped prevent many Canadians from becoming homeless.

He even met Prime Minister Kim Campbell, Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev and has a thank you letter from Queen Elizabeth II for all his fine charity work.

And how did he manage to do all this?

It wasn't that hard.

He wrote lots of letters to politicians in Toronto, Ontario, and various parts of Canada and the USA.

He gave a lot of speeches and explained things eloquently in a way that people could understand them.

In other words Edward de Gale got things done.


Probably not.

No, lets face it when you want to be taken seriously you have to dress for success. That means wearing the following...

A suit and a tie.
Well polished shoes.
A trench coat or suit jacket.

Looking at the photos shown here of Edward de Gale in action, you can see what I mean.

Kim Campbell might have been able to get away with wearing a Toronto sports jacket - she was the prime minister after all, but just because she dresses like that sometimes when meeting people doesn't mean the rest of us should dress like that.

The point I am making here is that suit makes the man (or the woman). Looking professional DOES matter.

Which means that even someone who is not famous - is relatively unimportant - can rise to become an important person by presenting themselves as someone to be reckoned with.

And it doesn't hurt that Edward de Gale studied law and then used his knowledge of the law to help people. A shining example of what brains, good fashion sense and an eloquent tongue can accomplish.

If you want to research more on the charity work done by Torontonian Edward de Gale see the following websites:

  • Share The Warmth
  • City of Toronto: Community Service Volunteer Awards - 2002 winners
  • Cyberspace warmer place as charity goes online - Toronto Star
  • Toronto Charity Gives Energy, Not Food - Environmental News Service
  • Homeowners get burned over heating costs - Globe & Mail
  • Gouged customers shocked by power costs - Toronto Star
  • Extreme cold brings out the rescue squads - Toronto Star
  • Price increase hikes demand for 'power bank' - Ottawa Citizen
  • Share the Warmth in the News - Various Sources, Toronto Star, CTV
  • The Conserving Homes Program - The Distributor, April 2006
  • Housing Awareness Event - 2006
  • Toronto needs a new vision of the future, says Edward de Gale - Lilith News
  • Ottawa Hydro leaves poor in cold - Centretown News
  • Growing number of households caught in Ontario energy crisis - Toronto Environmental Alliance
  • ClimateCare Launches Program With Share The Warmth - ACHR News
  • Hydro, rent aid for poor `inadequate'; $2 million subsidy needed - Ontario Tenants
  • Housing awareness event 2005 - Cottage Country Now
  • Electricity bills to rise 3 to 15 per cent - Energy Probe International
  • Unique Osgoode-based charity converts donations into warmth in Toronto - York University Gazette
  • Consumers Brace For Expensive Winter - Vive Le Canada
  • No one's accountable for high heating costs - Durham Region
  • Enbridge News Release - January 2001
  • Lights out for low-income hydro consumers? - Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) [PDF]
  • Annual Share the Warmth program under way - February 2006, Niagara This Week
  • Poverty Issues Advisory Committee - July 2004 Report
  • Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee - October 2002 Report
  • Share the warmth presentation - County of Simcoe [PDF]
  • Edward de Gale on LinkedIn
  • Edward de Gale on Twitter
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