

By Tamyka Bullen

As a fashionable lady, I know the shape of my body, I choose pants that match my lively personality. Unfortunately, pants are designed for women who have wide and curvable hips which I don't. Women with wide and curvable hips do not need belts to hold their pants. My hips are flat BUT my body can  carry a baby or ever two. Mind you ok? Hahaha. Excuse me, I sincerely hope I do not carry six babies in my tummy. Ahhhh...hahaha
Back to point, I really love pants for two things I completely hate to shave my hairy legs, and keep my legs warm during the fall and winter times. Anyways, I want my pants to stay on, not drop down to my feet and expose my lovely arse to the public. Magically, belts are for! Smile! More fashion industries design really super cool belts that I eternally drool over. I can't have all of them but I can show what belts I really want to have to fill in my wardrobe closet! 

 This belt caught my eyes. I was like "WOW WHAT SO BEAUTIFUL!"  I can imagine that it will look great on dark blue denim pants and an emerald sweater. Look more contrast. 

 I really love this gold belt as it makes me feel like a top-world lady who only goes to cocktail parties in New York City and hold a fabulous career! Hahaha it must looks great with clothes of bright sparkling colours! 

 I love pink the most in the world. I love the design of the belt because the combination of pink and gold ALWAYS look so good! So romantic. Sigh...This belt looks good on all colours especially grey! 

 I love this unique belt because I know it will look good on my long white blouse. Too bad, I do not have it yet. Maybe in the future if I see a belt that is similar to this belt, I will grab it in NO TIME! HAHAHAHA. 

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