

Written by Tamyka Bullen

I love flowers for them to bring the great delight to my eyes and to my nose! Too many people applaud to the flowers for their startling beauties. But when we pull them out of the soil, they die slowly and become dry to hang on the wall to marvel at. Flowers are eternally pure, simple and beautiful that serve and move our souls greatly. I developed a great fond for the flowers so one day, I purchased many flower hairpins to decorate my curly hair and bring more colours to my dark hair. I look at the mirror to see the flower in my hair, my soul feels warm and affectionate. Sigh...really beautiful. 

Here are the pictures of the flower hairpins and flower headbands that I want to collect and keep them in my little treasure box! 

                                                         I love larger flowers!!! 

                                          I love this and would love to wear it so sometimes! 

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