Back in 2010, Isabelle Caro, a French model whose anorexic body appeared in an Italian shock ad campaign, died at the age of 28. She had been suffering from anorexia since the age of 13.
Caro is most famous for being featured in a shock ad campaign by Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani in 2007 for an Italian fashion house. Under the headline "No Anorexia" the ad in newspapers and billboards showed Caro naked, vertebrae and facial bones protruding.
We have decided not to show any images of that campaign here for the sake of decency.
Her acting instructor and longtime friend, Daniele Dubreuil-Prévot, says that Caro actually died on Nov. 17 after returning to France from a job in Tokyo, but the news wasn't released until after Boxing Day in December.
Dubreuil-Prévot said that Caro "had been sick for a long time," referring to her anorexia.